Privacy Policy for Customer
These Terms of Service (this “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you (“User” or “You”) and HealthHer, H TO H (2020) CO., LTD. (“we” or “ Company”) for the use of the Healthher Mobile Application, the servers used by the Application, the computer files stored on such servers, and all related products or services, all features and content offered by the Company. (collectively referred to as This Agreement does not include Apple, Inc. Google, Inc. and affiliated companies or any other legal entity that may be applicable.
1. Acceptance of terms
Please read these terms of service carefully. by creating an account or accessing the application You acknowledge that you accept and agree to be bound by and comply with this Agreement. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS You may not be able to access or use the Application Services. We may amend this Agreement from time to time. when there is a change or amendment
Please go through the terms and conditions thoroughly before accessing or creating an account as it would be deemed to be an acknowledgment that you accept all the conditions binding you to an agreement. In case of non-acceptance, you won’t be able to access or create an account on the application. Moreover, we may amend the agreement conditions from time to time for which you would be notified priorly on the home page of the application.
2. User
Upon creation of the account on the application, you are solely responsible for the security of all the information shared including usernames, passwords, or any other personal details. Moreover, you are also considered responsible for any activity occurring under your account details. We may be having complete surveillance on the verification of a new account before you sign in.
Providing false information or any other suspicious activity may result in the suspension of your for an indefinite period of time. Intimate us timely before any unauthorized usage of your account. In the case of any security breach, we would not be held liable for any damages caused to you because of your actions. Any breach of terms agreed upon would force us to delete or temporarily suspend your account based on the extent of damage caused to us. Any action of yours which may damage our reputation or goodwill would not be tolerated and result in the permanent closure of the account without any chance of getting registered in the future.
3. Registration and eligibility
Please create or update the account to get the maximum benefit out of it. Your personal information including name, gender, date of birth, email address, weight, and height would be required for application purposes. This information would be archived and used per our privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) You hereby agree in providing all the relevant information to the best of your knowledge and will continue to update as per any changes in terms of service.
To create an account and access the application, you must be at least 13 years of age and are not prohibited from using the application under applicable law. If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must review and accept the terms of this Agreement by using the application. You confirm that your parent or guardian has reviewed and accepted this Agreement. We reserve the right to limit services to users under the age of 18 concerning certain content in the application at our sole discretion.
4. Passwords
You are responsible for following the steps and password reset instructions to ensure that no unauthorized person can get access to your account or password. It is also your responsibility to not publish the password used to access the application. If you find or believe that your account or password has been compromised, contact us for security checks or suspend access to the application or account.
5. Your Use of Application
Our Privacy Policy controls every piece of content you submit through the application. If your use of the application conflicts with this Agreement and our Privacy Policy; (“Privacy Policy”), you are solely responsible for your communications on the application. if you message or share anything, We are not responsible for the actions and consequences of posting, communications, and references to any media found in our public spaces. If you feel threatened or believe that someone else is in danger, you should immediately contact your local law enforcement. If you think you have a medical emergency, contact your local emergency service or call 1669.
According to the terms and conditions, you agree not to use the Application for any purpose prohibited by this agreement. You are responsible for all your activities in connection with the Application, and you must comply with all local, national and international laws and regulations and the applicable regulations. You agree that if you take any of the following actions, you will be in a material breach of this agreement, and you agree that you will not:
- Resell, rent, license, lease, credit, sublicense, distribute, or transfer the use of the work to others.
- Modify, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Application.
- Copy, convert, translate or create derivative works of the Application without our express written permission
- Allows other people to use the application, including sharing accounts over a network connection. except as permitted under this Agreement.
- Avoid or disable features or any technological measures in the app to protect intellectual property rights.
- Use the Application to or in conjunction with any device, program, or service designed to circumvent the technical-technology measures used to control access or rights to files, content, or other works protected by copyright and intellectual property laws.
- Use or access the Application to collect information that will lead to the development of other products or services
- Use your account to advertise or deliver commercial advertisements. This includes chain letters, junk e-mails, or messages that annoy and interfere with other users’ application use
- Use your account to perform any illegal activities
- Upload a picture of all media types that infringe on any party’s rights.
- Upload all types of media that show violations, inappropriate pictures or any conduct, pornography, or any content that may create civil or criminal liability under applicable laws or regulations or may conflict with our Privacy Policy
- Upload any content that contains virus software or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of this application software or website.
The above-prohibited actions will lead to immediate suspension or termination of your access to the application.
6. Third-Party Service
Although our applications may contain links to external websites, we do not implicitly endorse, jointly, assist, or affiliate with any external websites to which it is connected, either directly or indirectly, unless expressly provided for in these conditions. We have no obligation to review the content of external sites, and we make no endorsement of any business or individual offers that occur on such external sites. You assume all risks in connection with external websites. We take no responsibility or liability for the actions of other people’s products, services, and content. Therefore, you should check the clarification and Terms of use of the websites you have connected through the application.
7. 7. Medical services disclaimer and Use at your own risk
We are not a licensed medical service provider. The advice and services provided through the applications are not intended to be a substitute for medical advice or a diagnosis. Please consult with your medical practitioner or the relevant licensed healthcare provider before making any decisions or actions that may affect your health and safety. If you have a chronic disease, you must not neglect health advice from a medical practitioner and relevant licensed healthcare provider. If you have questions or concerns about your health or have been altered due to something you have read from the application, we advise you regularly consult with your healthcare professional. If you think you have a medical emergency, call 1669 or seek immediate service at the nearest emergency room. We disclaim any liability for any errors, omissions, unintentional technical inaccuracies, or typographical errors in the material provided and violate any ethical or moral standards applicable in your community to sexual education and the media involved.
8. User Rights and Restrictions
You reserve all rights to any such user content that you post, share, or log in to the application by providing your user content. (1)You grant us non-exclusive rights to transfer data and continue the royalty-free license to use, copy, edit, and publicly display and continue copyright work, including other tasks such as changing format and enhancing content to improve the experience of using applications related services, additionally, for our promotional purposes, such as leaving comments or results on our website within the application, social media, websites, or any platform on the internet as we see fit under the privacy policy. (2) You agree not to demand any fees from us and our affiliates, directors, officers, and employees to access, transmit, and exploit information transmitted through the application’s systems. We reserve the right to review all User Content before submitting it to any application and platform for any reason without prior notice at our sole discretion.
9. Content and Posting
You may not edit, print, or copy any part of the Application. Removing some application content to combine with other tasks whether in print or electronic form or any other format or incorporating parts of the Application into other applications or websites is prohibited. (embedding), Framing or any other means without our express permission is not permitted and violates our Terms of Service (framing). You must not upload content that is defamatory, fraudulent, obscene, libelous, threatening, or invasive of the privacy rights of others sharing the space. or in any other way that is unlawful. You may not upload viruses or any other code intended to disrupt, damage, or limit the functionality of the Software, by submitting or uploading a file on the application, you consent to us removing the violating file or any file at any time.
10. Your Feedback
We welcome your feedback on the application and any communication you send to us or publish in any of the application’s channels. If you don’t have it clearly stated, we will treat this as a public and non-confidential submission. You agree that we may decide to publish such content at our discretion. You agree to allow us to use such content for free, and we can fix the contextualization or make other changes as we see fit with the relevant content.
11. Order and Payment
We don’t have a policy for ordering and paying through the app. Purchase and payment fields are only exported to our other platforms as specified in the application.
12. Notice and takedown procedures
If you find or believe any content that can be accessed from your application violates your rights. You can request the removal of those contents (or restrict access) from this application by contacting us and providing the following information
- Identify tasks that have content or any copyright you believe has been violated. Please describe the work and, where possible, include the source copy of the violating content (e.g., application page).
- Identify content that you believe is infringing. Please describe the content and provide us with the URL or other relevant information that will enable us to find the content.
- 3. Name, address, phone number, and email address (if applicable)
- A statement that the information you provide is accurate and indicates that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
- A signature or the electronic equivalent from the copyright owner or authorized representative
13. Violation of Terms of Service
Violation of these Terms of Service, including any of our terms, conditions, and policies, may result in some actions or all of the following
- 1. Suspension of account, or Deletion of account
- 2. Take criminal prosecution
14. Changes to the application
There might be changes or updates in the application from time to time for which we may not notify you prior, moreover, we may terminate some features of our application in the future if required
15. Changes to the terms of use
We reserve the right to amend these terms or policies related to the application or service at any time. It will be effective immediately upon publication of the latest contract on the application homepage. We will indicate the date of revision under these agreements. If you accept and acknowledge that you have read this agreement and agree to its terms (Revised Edition) and the service, you agree to be bound by this contract. If you do not agree to the revised terms, you will not have any right to use or access the application
Questions, comments, and suggestions
If you have questions, any comments or suggestions regarding any part of the application, any part of these agreements, or need further assistance, you can contact us at
Contact us
If you wish to contact us to understand more about these Terms of Service or have any other questions related to the use of the application, You can contact us through the following channels:
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